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Installing a Spacer:

Scroll down for directions on how to secure your artwork in a floater frame if you are not installing a spacer.

Start Right

Preparing your Workspace↓

Find a space to work. Layout your artwork, supplies, and tools.

Screws or Glue?

Screw or Glue?

Measure your canvas and spacer depth. If you have a thin panel use glue. If strecher bars, select scews long enough to secure the stretchers to the spacer but not so long that they will puncture the face of your artwork.


Center the Spacer

Center the spacer over the back of your artwork. The spacer will be slightly smaller than your artwork to ensure it remains hidden after installation is ocmplete. The countersunk holes on the spacer should be facing upward.


Screw or Giue the Spacer to the Canvas or Panel

Either glue the panel to the spacer or insert the screws into the countersunk holes of the spacer and tighen to attach. Your done! Continue to install your art in a floater frame below.

How To Install Art In Your Floater Frame

Choose a method below.

Option 1: Direct Screw Attachment

(most popular)

Prepare the Frame

Drill Pilot Holes

Drill pilot holes throught the back of the frame where you will screw the frame to artwork or spacer with attached artwork. Tip: It is usually best to place these holes about 1/4" from the inside edge of the frame to ensure that they catch the stretchers or spacer and hold.

Set the Float

Center the Artwork in the Frame

Use canvas keys or stacks of business cards to center the artwork in the floater frame.


Insert and tighen the screws

Carefully insert and tighten each screw through the frame to attach while keeping the artwork centered.

Finish the Job

The Final Touch

Attach your D loops and wire then hang. Your finished.

Option #2: Screw on Using Offset Clips

Use this method if the strecther and frame surface area are to narrow to screw on directly.

Attach Clips

Screw Clips to Frame

Using 2 hole offset clips, attach clips to the frame first as shown below.

Set the Float

Center the Artwork in the Frame↓

Use canvas keys or stacks of business cards to center the artork in the floater frame.


Insert and tighen the screws↓

Carefully insert and tighten each screw through the frame to attach while keeping the artwork centered.

Finish the Job

The Final Touch

Attach D loops and wire then hang. Your finished.

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